My Coaching Philosophy


My job is to support you toward developing a vision of what you would like to create and/or shift in your life, and to support you as you move toward manifesting that vision.  As a coach, I facilitate ways for you to find your own answers.  

 I believe that motivation comes from within each person.  All people are naturally creative, resourceful and whole.  Yes, completely whole.  It is pressures from the outside world that often knock us off balance.  It is this outside looking in perspective that causes us to feel inadequate and insecure.  When we start to look at ourselves from the inside out perspective (knowing our own values, goals and desires) then we can live more empowered lives.  Coaching allows clients to focus on themselves from the inside out.  Rediscovering their personal values and goals.   In understanding ourselves, we can live from a place of strength.

I use simple, proven methods to facilitate self-understanding and goal-setting while respecting the dignity and uniqueness of each individual.  I facilitate exercises that allow clients to solve procrastination and indecision and that lead to clear decision making.

We will first focus on discovering who YOU are; your strengths, saboteurs (things that hold you back) and values.  What is your life purpose?  When was the last time you thought about that? Never, every day, somewhere in between?

I will ask questions and reflect back what I hear you say.  My desire is to have you learn about yourself, grow as a human being, and get what you want in your work and your life.  My intention and goal as a coach is to help you to find your answers, discoveries and realizations.

Over the term of your coaching experience you may expect the following:

• You will learn how to step into new ways of thinking and believing you are worthy of your visions, dreams and greatness.

• You will celebrate your successes as well as your struggles and see both as important steps on the journey forward.

Here is what Coaching will require from you:

• Commitment to the coaching sessions and taking action

• Responsibility for the results of your coaching process

• Honesty with yourself and me even if uncomfortable.

You may expect me, as your Coach, to:

• Support your vision and goals and provide structure that supports you in making conscious choices.

• Ask you to step beyond your present limitations as you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

• Be an objective listener.

• Tell you the truth and give you straight feedback.

Book a free 20-minute consultation call


What is Coaching?


Why Direction Setting is Better than Goal Setting